This video showcases a crewed mission to Saturn in Kerbal Space Program. The mission includes the following stages: spacecraft launch, crew launch, flight to Saturn, exploration of Titan, exploration of Enceladus, and return to Earth. The mission is completed in less than 3 years using advanced propulsion technologies, with no refueling required at Saturn.
Mods (not a complete list)
- Kerbal Space Program 1.10.1 + Breaking Grounds Expansion
- Realism Overhaul + RSS (obvious)
- EVE + Scatterer + RSSVE + TUFX (nice visuals)
- Waterfall (better engine plumes)
- Far Future Technologies (fusion engine, spherical fuel tanks)
- Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux (crew parts on interplanetary spacecraft)
- Mk-33 (X-33 inspired crew vehicle)
- Kerbal Atomics (nuclear engines on crew vehicle)
- Planetside Exploration Technologies (rover and base parts)
- Near Future Launch Vehicles (large stage 1 fuel tanks and big cargo bays)
- KerBalloons Reinflated (inflatable balloon on crew vehicle)
- Near Future Construction (structural parts)
- Near Future Spacecraft (big command pod on Enceladus lander)
- Heat Control (radiators)
- Modular Launch Pads (obvious)
- ReStock (better models and textures for stock parts)
- Docking Port Alignment Indicator (better docking UI)
- KK + RSS-CanaveralHD (real cape canaveral terrain and buildings)
- SSTU (J-2X, AJ10 engines)
- SXT (RCS on extendable boom)
- Persistent Thrust (use low thrust engines during time warp)
- KIS + KAS (EVA construction + fuel pipes)
- Camera Tools (moving/stationary camera for cool shots)
- Real Scale Boosters (large fairing halves)
- Kerbal Reusability Expansion (legs on large first stage)
- Tundra Exploration (large grid fins and raptor engines)
Music by @RossBugden:
- Ross Bugden – Flight Hymn
- Ross Bugden – Run
- Ross Bugden – Ghiblis Waltz
- Ross Bugden – Parallel
- Ross Bugden – Ascension
- Ross Bugden – Interstellar